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Interface CreateGuildChannelOptions

Options for when creating new guild channels




Optional bitrate

bitrate: number | null

The guild channel's audio bit rate (for {@link GuildVoiceChannel})


name: string

The name of the new channel

Optional nsfw

nsfw: boolean | null

Whether the guild channel should be marked as nsfw

Optional parentId

parentId: Snowflake

The ID of the parent category for the channel

Optional permissions

permissions: Record<Snowflake, PermissionOverwriteFlags & { type: PermissibleType }>

The permissions of the new channel. Object of user / roles IDs and their permissions for the new channel

Optional position

position: undefined | number

The position of the new channel

Optional slowModeTimeout

slowModeTimeout: number | null

The guild channel's slow mode timeout (for GuildTextChannel)

Optional topic

topic: string | null

The new topic of the guild channel

Optional type

The new type of the guild channel. Can only change between ChannelType.GuildText and ChannelType.GuildNews

Optional userLimit

userLimit: number | null

The guild channel's user limit (for {@link GuildVoiceChannel})

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