A base structure with the ID field
The request's Body type
Events that are called when all Bot shards change their state. These events take no arguments
Rate limit buckets are indexed by the Endpoint Route, Http Method, and all Major Parameters
Dictionary type for request Params and Body
Any kind of emoji. Could be its unicode name, ID or Emoji object
Payload data received from the Discord gateway
Default handler attributes
Default handler function
Turns all fields of a given type to be nullable
The request's Params type
New positions for a orderly listed values on Discord, such as guild channels or roles The key is the item's ID. The value is the item's new position.
The positions are in a descending order ending at 0
Represents a file attachment sent to the API
The type of data returned from the API
The route's arguments type (as a parameter)
Discord Snowflake. More information can be found here https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes
Text based channels of Discord
The base URL for the Discord API
The base URL for Discord API images https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formatting-image-base-url
All major param keys https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rate-limits#rate-limits
The latest version of the Discord API
Decorator for registering a command
Decorator for registering an event handler for a command
Decorator for registering an event
Decorator for registering an event handler for an event
All endpoints mapped by their route name
The default options used to initialize a Bot instance
All details that are sent in the Bot's 'IDENTIFY' request
Generated using TypeDoc
All avatar format enums