Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds
Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds
Collection of all MessageAttachments attached to this message
The author of this message. Might not be a valid User object if message was generated by a webhook
The Bot operating this structure
The channel the message was sent in
The content of the message
Whether this message is deleted from its channel
Timestamp of when this message was edited. Possibly null if message has not been edited
All embedded content associated to this message
Describes extra features of the message
The guild the message was sent in. Possibly null if message was sent over a DM
The message's ID
The member properties for this message's author. Might not exist if message was sent over a DM
All types of mentionable instances mentioned in this message
Whether this message mentions everyone
Reference data sent with crossposted messages
Used for validating a message was sent
Whether this message is pinned
The message's reactions controller
Timestamp of when this message was sent
Whether this was a TTS message
The type of the message
The Webhook ID in case this message was generated by a Webhook
Clone a structure
Deletes a message. If operating on a GuildChannel and trying to delete a message that was not sent by the current user, this endpoint requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
Edits a previously sent message.
The fields content
, embed
and flags
can be edited by the original message author. Other users can only edit flags
and only if they have the Permission.ManageMessages permission in the corresponding channel.
The updated message data. Can be:
Pins this message. Requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
Creates a reaction for this message. Requires the Permission.ReadMessageHistory permission. Additionally, if nobody else has reacted to the message using this emoji, this requires the Permission.AddReactions permission
The emoji to react to this message with
Unpins this message. Requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
Update a structure and return its before and after versions
The updated data
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a message sent in a TextChannel within Discord