Information about the Guild AFK options
Application ID of the guild creator if it is bot-created
Information about approximated data for this guild
Guild banner image hash. Possibly null if guild does not have a banner image
The guild's bans controller
GuildBoosts object containing guild boosts data
The Bot operating this structure
The guild's channels controller
Timestamp for when the guild was created
The description for the guild. Possibly null if guild does not have a description
Guild discovery splash image hash. Possibly null if guild does not have a discovery splash image
This guild's emojis controller
Enabled guild features
Guild icon hash. Possibly null if guild does not have an icon
Guild ID
The guild's integrations controller
The guild's invites controller
Whether this guild is considered a large guild
GuildLevels object containing information about all guild level data
The preferred locale of a public guild used in server discovery and notices from Discord
The maximum number of members for the guild
The maximum number of presence for the guild (the default value, currently 25000, is in effect when null
is returned)
Total number of members in this guild
The guild's members controller
Guild name
Guild owner Member. Possibly undefined if the bot is yet to cache that member
Guild owner ID
Total permissions for the Bot in the guild (excludes overrides)
Presences of the members in the guild. Will only include non-offline members if the size is greater than identify.large_threshold
Guild voice region
The guild's roles controller
The channel where public guilds display rules and/or guidelines
Guild splash image hash. Possibly null if guild does not have a splash image
GuildSystemChannel object containing information about the guild system channel
Whether this guild is unavailable
The channel where admins and moderators of public guilds receive notice from Discord
The vanity URL code for the guild. Possibly null if guild does not have a vanity URL
The guild's webhooks controller
The guild widget data
Returns the URL of the guild's banner image. Possibly returns null if the guild does not have a banner image
The format of the returned guild banner image
The size of the returned guild banner image
Clone a structure
Returns the URL of the guild's discovery splash image. Possibly returns null if the guild does not have a discovery splash image
The format of the returned guild discovery splash image
The size of the returned guild discovery splash image
Fetches this guild's vanity URL. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
Fetches this guild's widget object. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
Returns the URL of the guild's icon image. Possibly returns null if the guild does not have an icon
The format of the returned guild icon image
The size of the returned guild icon image
Leaves this guild
Modifies this guild's settings. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The new options for the updated guild
Begins a prune operation on this guild. Requires the Permission.KickMembers permission
The options for the prune operation
The number of members that were removed in the prune operation, or null if the PruneOptions.computePruneCount is false
Returns the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation. Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.
Options for the prune
Returns the URL of the guild's splash image. Possibly returns null if the guild does not have a splash image
The format of the returned guild splash image
The size of the returned guild splash image
Update a structure and return its before and after versions
The updated data
Generated using TypeDoc
Guilds in Discord represent an isolated collection of users and channels, and are often referred to as "servers" in the UI.