Timestamp of when the member start boosting the guild. Possibly null if the user has never boosted this server
The Bot operating this structure
Whether the member is deafened in voice channels
The Guild associated to this structure
The member's user ID
Timestamp of when the member joined the guild
Whether the member is muted in voice channels
The user's guild nickname
The member's user presence data
Collection of all Roles associated to this member
The user this guild member represents
Bans this member from the guild, and optionally deletes its previous messages. Requires the Permission.BanMembers permission
The options for the ban
Clone a structure
Modifies attributes of this member
The options to modify for the member
Modifies the nickname of this member
The new nickname
Removes this member from the guild
Update a structure and return its before and after versions
The updated data
Generated using TypeDoc
Representation of a Discord User in a guild