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Interface ModifyMemberOptions

Options used when modifying a guild member


  • ModifyMemberOptions



Optional channelId

channelId: Snowflake

The ID of the voice channel to move the member to (if they are connected to another voice channel already). Requires the Permission.MoveMembers permission

Optional deaf

deaf: undefined | false | true

Whether the member should be deafened in voice channel. Requires the Permission.DeafenMembers permission

Optional mute

mute: undefined | false | true

Whether the member should be muted in voice channels. Requires the Permission.MuteMembers permission

Optional nick

nick: undefined | string

The value to set the member's nickname to. Requires the Permission.ManageNicknames permission

Optional roles

roles: (string | Role)[]

Array of roles / role IDs to assign to the member. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission

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