The cached data this controller contains
The guild this controller is associated to
Creates a new guild channel in the guild associated to this controller. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels
The options for the new guild channel
Deletes a guild channel
The ID of the guild channel you wish to delete
Fetches a guild channel
The ID of the guild channel you wish to fetch
Fetches and caches all channels the guild associated to this controller
Returns an already cached item or fetches it
The ID of the item you wish to get or fetch
Gets or fetches a guild text channel by its ID
The ID of the guild text channel
Modifies the positions of a set of channels for the guild. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission
The new positions for the guild channels
Swaps the positions of 2 guild channels with one another
The first guild channel
The second guild channel
Generated using TypeDoc
Provides an interface for a guild's channels cache. The guild channels a mapped by their IDs