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Interface ModifyGuildOptions

The new data of the guild after modifying it


  • ModifyGuildOptions



Optional afk

afk: Partial<GuildAFK>

Data for the guild's AFK channel and timeout

Optional banner

banner: ImageURI | null

The new banner image of the guild

Optional icon

icon: ImageURI | null

The new icon of the guild

Optional levels

levels: Partial<Pick<GuildLevels, "verification" | "notifications" | "explicitContent">>

New level data for the guild. Includes verification level, message notification level and explicit content filter level

Optional locale

locale: undefined | string

The preferred locale of a public guild used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"

Optional name

name: undefined | string

The new name of the guild

Optional ownerId

ownerId: Snowflake

The user ID to transfer guild ownership to (bot must be the owner of the guild)

Optional region

region: undefined | string

The new guild's voice region ID

Optional rulesChannelId

rulesChannelId: Snowflake

The ID of the channel where public guilds display rules and/or guidelines

Optional splash

splash: ImageURI | null

The new splash image of the guild

Optional systemChannelId

systemChannelId: Snowflake

The ID of the channel where guid notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted

Optional updatesChannelId

updatesChannelId: Snowflake

The ID of the channel where admins and moderators of public guilds receive notices from Discord

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