Returns the serialized ban member options for when banning guild members
The ban member options
Returns the serialized create emoji options for when creating emojis
The create emoji options
Returns the serialized create guild channel options for creating new guild channels
The create guild channel options
Returns the serialized create integration options for when creating new guild integrations
The create integration options
Returns the serialized create webhook options for when creating webhooks
The create webhook options
Returns the serialized fetch guild options for when fetching a guild
The fetch guild options
Returns the serialized fetch guilds options for when fetching the guilds the bot's user is in
The fetch guilds options
Returns the serialized fetch invite options for when fetching an invite
The fetch invite options
Returns the serialized fetch reactions options for when fetching all users that reacted with a reaction
The fetch reaction users options
Returns the serialized fetch all members options for when fetching all members in a guild
The fetch all members options
Returns the serialized fetch some messages options for when fetching some messages in a text channel
The fetch some messages options
Returns the serialized guild channel options for when modifying a guild channel
The guild channel options
Returns the serialized guild channel permissions for when modifying a guild channel's permissions
Data for the member or role
The modified permissions
Returns the serialized invite options for when creating a guild channel invite
The invite options
Returns the serialized message data for when sending or editing messages
The message data
Returns the serialized modify bot user options for when modifying this bot's user
The modify bot user options
Returns the serialized modify emoji options for modifying emojis
The modify emoji options
Returns the serialized modify guild options for when modifying a guild
The modify guild options
Returns the serialized modify integration options for when modifying guild integrations
The modify integration options
Returns the serialized modify member options for when modifying guild members
The modify member options
Returns the serialized modify webhook options for when modifying webhooks
The modify webhook options
Returns the serialized modify widget options for when modifying a guild widget
The modify widget options
Returns the serialized prune count options for when getting a guild prune count
The prune count options
Returns the serialized prune options for when beginning a guild prune operation
The prune options
Returns the serialized role options for when creating or modifying roles
The role options
Generated using TypeDoc
Serializes API options and data into the API format