Creates a reaction for a message. This method requires the Permission.ReadMessageHistory permission to be present on the Bot. Additionally, if nobody else has reacted to the message using this emoji, this method requires the Permission.AddReactions permission to be present on the Bot.
The ID of the channel containing the message
The ID of the message to react to
The emoji to react with to the message
Bans a member from a guild, and optionally deletes the previous messages sent by the banner member. Requires the Permission.BanMembers permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the user
The options for the ban
Deletes multiple messages in a single request. Requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
The channel ID that contains the messages you wish to delete
An array of the messages IDs you wish to delete
Creates a new invite for a guild channel. Requires the Permission.CreateInstantInvite permission
The ID of the channel to create the invite for
The new invite options
Creates a new guild channel in a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels
The ID of the guild to create the channel in
The options for the new guild channel
Creates a new emoji for a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageEmojis permission
The ID of the guild
The options for the new emoji
Attaches an integration from the Bot to this guild. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
The options for the new integration
Creates a new role in a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the guild
The options for the created role
Creates a new webhook for a guild channel. Requires the Permission.ManageWebhooks permission
The ID of the guild channel
The options for the new webhook
Deletes a GuildChannel, or closes a DMChannel. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission for the guild
The ID of the channel
Deletes a GuildChannel. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission for the guild
The ID of the guild channel you wish to delete
Deletes a channel permission overwrite for a user or role in a guild channel. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the channel that contains the permission overwrite you wish to delete
The ID of the user or role you wish to delete from the channel's permission overwrites
Deletes the attached integration for a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
Deletes an invite by its invite code. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission on the channel this invite belongs to, or Permission.ManageGuild to remove any invite across the guild
The invite code
Deletes a message. If operating on a GuildChannel and trying to delete a message that was not sent by the current user, this endpoint requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
The ID of the channel that contains the message you wish to delete
The ID of the message you wish to delete
Deletes a role in a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
Deletes a webhook permanently. Requires the Permission.ManageWebhooks permission
The ID of the webhook
Edits a previously sent message.
The fields content
, embed
and flags
can be edited by the original message author. Other users can only edit flags
and only if they have the Permission.ManageMessages permission in the corresponding channel.
The ID of the channel that contains the message you wish to edit
The ID of the message you wish to edit
The updated message data. Can be:
Fetches the guilds the bot user is a member of
The options for the fetch operation
Fetches the bot user
Fetches a list of invites for a channel. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission
The ID of the channel to fetch invites in
Fetches all pinned messages in a text channel
The ID of the channel
Fetches a guild by its ID and additional options
The ID of the guild
The additional options for the fetch operation
Fetches all bans in a guild by a guild ID
The ID of the guild
Fetches a guild channel by its ID
The ID of the guild channel you wish to fetch
Fetches all guild channels in a given guild
The ID of the guild
Fetches an emoji in a given guild
Fetches all emojis in a guild
The ID of the guild
Fetches all guild integrations in a guild Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
Fetches all invites (with metadata) in a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
Fetches a guild preview by its guild ID. This is only available for public guilds
The ID of the guild
Fetches this guild's vanity URL. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
Fetches all webhooks in a guild
The ID of the guild
Fetches a guild's widget object. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
Fetches an invite by its invite code
The invite code
An additional set of options for the invite
Fetches a list of users that reacted with a particular emoji on a message
The ID of the channel that contains the message
The ID of the message
The emoji the users reacted with
A set of options for this operation
Fetches all roles in a guild by its ID
The ID of the guild
Fetches all members in a guild
The ID of the guild
The options for the fetch operation
Fetches some messages in a text channel
The ID of the channel
The options for the fetch operation
Fetches all webhooks in a guild channel. Requires the Permission.ManageWebhooks permission
The ID of the guild channel
Begins a prune operation on a guild. Requires the Permission.KickMembers permission
The ID of the guild
The options for the prune operation
The number of members that were removed in the prune operation, or null if the PruneOptions.computePruneCount is false
Returns the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation. Any inactive user that has a subset of the provided role(s) will be counted in the prune and users with additional roles will not.
The Id of the guild
Options for the prune
Leaves a guild by its ID
The ID of the guild
Adds a role to a guild member. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the member user
The ID of the role
Removes a role from a guild member. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the member user
The ID of the role
Modifies the nickname of the bot user in a guild. Returns the modified nickname
The ID of the guild
The new nickname for the bot
Modifies this bot's user account settings
The options for the modified bot user
Modifies a guild's settings. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
The new options for the updated guild
Updates a GuildChannel's settings. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission for the guild
The ID of the modified channel
The modified channel's settings
Modifies the channel permission overwrites for a member or a role. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the channel for which to overwrite the permissions
Data for the member or role
The permissions you wish to modify
Modifies the positions of a set of channels for the guild. Requires the Permission.ManageChannels permission
The ID of the guild
The new positions for the guild channels
Modifies a given guild emoji. Requires the Permission.ManageEmojis permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the emoji
The options for the updated emoji
The updated emoji
Modifies the behavior and settings of a guild integration. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the integration
The options for the modified guild integration
Modifies this guild widget. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
The ID of the guild
The options for the updated guild widget
The updated guild widget
Modifies attributes of a guild member
The ID of the guild that contains this member
The ID of the member user
The options to modify for the member
Modify a guild member's nickname. Returns the modified nickname when changing this bot's nickname or void when changing another member's nickname
The ID of the guild
The ID of the member user
The new nickname
Modifies a role. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles permission
The ID of the guild
The ID of the role
The options for the updated role
The updated role
Modifies the positions of a set of roles for a guild. Requires the Permission.ManageRoles
A collection of all the guild's roles
Modifies a webhook by its ID
The webhook ID
The options for the modified webhook
Pins a message in a text channel. Requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
The ID of the channel that contains the message you wish to pin
The ID of the message you wish to pin
Removes a member from a guild. Requires the Permission.KickMembers permission
Deletes a reaction a user reacted with.
If no userId
argument was provided, the Bot will remove its own reaction.
The ID of the channel containing the message
The ID of the message to react to
The emoji to delete from the message
The ID of the user of which reaction should be removed
Removes all reactions on a message. This method requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission to be present on the Bot
The ID of the channel containing the message
The ID of the message of which to remove all reactions
Deletes all reactions for an emoji. This method requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission ot be present on the Bot.
The ID of the channel containing the message
The ID of the message of which to remove all reactions for a given emoji
The reaction emoji you wish to delete
Posts a message to a GuildTextChannel or DMChannel. If operating on a GuildTextChannel, this requires the Permission.SendMessages permission. If the MessageOptions.tts field is set to true, the Permission.SendTTSMessages permission is required
The ID of the channel to send the message in
The message data. Can be:
The message's options
Syncs a guild integration. Requires the Permission.ManageGuild permission
Posts a typing indicator for a specified text channel. Useful when the bot is responding to a command and expects the computation to take a few seconds. This method may be called to let the user know that the bot is processing their message.
The ID of the text channel to trigger typing in
Unbans a member from a guild. Requires the Permission.BanMembers permission
Unpins a message in a text channel. Requires the Permission.ManageMessages permission
The ID of the channel that contains the message you wish to unpin
The ID of the message you wish to unpin
Generated using TypeDoc
Creates all outgoing API requests