Sent when a new channel is created
The new channel
Sent when a channel is deleted
The deleted channel
Sent when a message is pinned or unpinned in a text channel. This is not sent when a pinned message is deleted
The channel which pins were updated
The previous last pin timestamp
Sent when a channel is updated. This is not sent when the field GuildTextChannel.lastMessageId is altered. To keep track of the lastMessageId changes, you must listen for MESSAGE_CREATE events
Sent when a user is banned from a guild
The guild ban object
Sent when a user is unbanned from a guild.
The guild ban object. Possibly undefined if the ban is yet to be cached
Sent when the Bot joins a guild, or a guild becomes available to the Bot
The guild that was created
Sent when a guild becomes unavailable during a guild outage, or when the user leaves or is removed from a guild
Sent when a guild's emojis have been updated.
Collection of Emojis before the update
Collection of Emojis after the update
Sent when a guild integration is updated.
The guild whose integrations were updated
Sent in response to a Guild Members request
The guild whose members were requested
The nonce used in the Guild Members Request
The information for the chunk that activated this event
Sent when all Guild Member Chunks for a request are collected
The guild whose members were requested
The nonce used in the Guild Members Request
Sent when a new user joins a guild
The member that joined the guild
Sent when a guild role is created
The newly created role
Sent when a guild role is deleted
The role that has been deleted
Sent when a guild is updated
The guild before being updated
The guild after being updated
Sent when a new invite to a channel is created.
The invite that has been created
Sent when an invite is deleted.
The Invite that has been deleted. Possibly PartialInvite if the invite has not been cached.
Sent when a message is created
The message that has been created
Sent when a message is deleted
The deleted message
Sent when multiple messages are deleted at once.
The channel the messages were deleted in
Sent when a user adds a reaction to a message.
The reaction the user has added to the message
The user that added the reaction
Sent when a user removes a reaction from a message.
The reaction the user has removed from the message
The user that removed the reaction
Sent when a user explicitly removes all reactions from a message.
The message of which reactions were removed
Sent when a bot removes all instances of a given emoji from the reactions of a message.
The reaction associated to the emoji which was removed in its original state.
Sent when a member's presence or info, such as name or avatar, is updated.
The member's presence before being updated
The member's presence after being updated
Sent when all shards become ready
Sent when a shard closes (disconnects)
Sent when a shard becomes ready
Sent when a user starts typing in a channel.
The channel the user started typing in
The user that started typing
The unix time (in seconds) of when the user started typing
Sent when a guild channel's webhook is created, updated, or deleted.
The guild channel the updated webhook is associated to
Asynchronously waits until an event is executed, and returns its arguments in an array
Generated using TypeDoc
Responsible for handling all of the Bot's events