Whether this emoji can be used, may be false due to loss of Server Boosts
The Bot operating this structure
The ID of the emoji. Possibly null if the emoji class was generated from a standard emoji
The guild this emoji was created. Possibly undefined if this is a standard emoji
Whether this emoji is managed
The name of the emoji. Possibly null in reaction emoji objects
Whether this emoji must be wrapped in colons
Collection of Roles this emoji is whitelisted to
The user that created this emoji
Returns this emoji's identifier. An emoji identifier could be its name for built-in emojis, or a combination of its name and ID if it's a guild emoji.
Clone a structure
Update a structure and return its before and after versions
The updated data
Finds the identifier of the given emoji. The emoji can be a Guild emoji, meaning we would have to search for it in the Bot's cached emojis Collection
An emojis cache to search for the emoji in
The emoji to resolve
Generated using TypeDoc
Whether this emoji is animated